Meredith Flory, Writer
Freelance writer focusing on parenting, traveling, education, nerdy pop culture stuff, nature, and military life.
Children's Book Author seeking representation.
About Meredith
M.A. in Children's Literature from K-State - Award-winning educator & writer
Meredith is a freelance writer, educator, and author. She has a master's degree in children's literature from Kansas State University and has taught at the high school and college levels. Her articles, essays, and short stories have appeared in publications such as Paperbound Magazine, Muse, PCSgrades, and Military Families. Her column for Augusta Family Magazine won an award from the Parenting Media Association in 2017. She's also a military spouse with two kids, two cats, and a big dog!
Meredith has been writing and reading since childhood, and caught the publishing bug as a teenager when she had a "Letter to the Editor" published in her local newspaper. She majored in Communication Studies and English at Longwood University. After working several years in non-profit development, she switched to teaching, and earned a Master's in English at Kansas State University. She's also worked at a Doggy Daycare and as a Zoo Educator. As a lover of National Parks, and mom to three rescue pets, much of her writing focuses on nature.
She hopes her varied experiences with parenting, homeschooling, teaching, interning at NASA, working at a doggy daycare & a zoo, traveling, and being a military spouse all come across in her writing with heart, humor, and love.
She is seeking representation and publication for her children's books and working on an adult rom-com novel she hopes to complete soon.
Meredith advocates for mental healthcare for military families. Her recent Op-Ed on is available here.